35mm Darkroom

Around Autumn 2020 I started some Darkroom work because I had this need to have more ‘depth’ into my photography and I was saturated and tired of Digital / Computer work. I hate it spending time editing my pictures and became exhausted .

I remeber ages a go when I went to a Photography Club and some member showed their work, even the digital and ‘minimal’ work had such a clean presentation that there is nothing else for us to do and just look and think: It’s sharp. It’d perfect. It’s a calendar shot. And leaving the room with the same feeling that I had before hand.

And yet one person, he was maybe passed 80 years old had had these little prints that he developed himself that had THAT feeling of EVERYTHING. And this is why I went back to The Darkroom after many years of total neglect and started from cero and thinking this pain in the ass thing won’t last and now as I write this on Rainy Saturday afternoon . May 2021 I can’t be more proud to see the amount of prints I have made and touch and experimented with. I enjoy it so so much that I oped up a Darkroom page only in my website.

I tried to find places where I could learn and it was so hard. But Dan who is in charge of Darkroom in Birmingham gave me some lessons with so much generosity and patience I highly recommend it, and then I also took some hand paint workshops with Andrew Sanderson (Ilford Master) and a genius, he showed me so many cameras I was overwhelmed with it all but I want it more I wanted to know everything yesterday .… And so I shall carry on trying Films and papers and when money and time comes I can upgrade and learn and learn and learn and above all having fun.

I hope you enjoy it.